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" Mrs. Robinson " 7th Avenue 19/1/27(日) 0:43 [添付] [未読]
┗ Re:" Mrs. Robinson " Corry Hoekman 19/1/27(日) 7:21 [未読]

" Mrs. Robinson "
 7th Avenue E-MAIL  - 19/1/27(日) 0:43 -


[添付] 〜添付ファイル〜
・名前 : 20180522.jpg
・サイズ : 36.4KB
   " Homeward Bound " Farewell Tour
Hollywood Bowl
May 22, 2018


【20180522.jpg : 36.4KB】
<Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko...@softbank126009038071.bbtec.net>

Re:" Mrs. Robinson "
 Corry Hoekman E-MAIL  - 19/1/27(日) 7:21 -

   ▼7th Avenueさんの投稿:
>" Homeward Bound " Farewell Tour
>Hollywood Bowl
>May 22, 2018

Good Morning Japan

I wish you all will have a good Sunday.

Here is the entire video of one of the concerts Paul Simon held at the Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles. CA.

Date of posting of this video is - fortunately - the same: May 22 2018

Hope you will enjoy this video.

Kind regards from Holland Corry

Paul Simon - Mrs. Robinson (Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles CA 5/22/18) https://youtu.be/ySzUxqvELLM
<Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko...@D93F34ED.cm-20.dynamic.ziggo.nl>

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