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Re:Graceland Tour 1987
 Corry Hoekman E-MAILWEB  - 19/2/7(木) 8:46 -

   ▼7th Avenueさんの投稿:
>Ahoy, Rotterdam
>32 years ago ...!
>”Graceland ”( Remastering Audio )

What a kind gesture of yours towards me. I feel very grateful to you Mr. 7th Avenue.

You know we are both so eager with sharing Paul Simon stuff.

I just found a great article about the passing away of two Paul Simon`s greatest guitarists who accompanied him. Ray Piri the South African guitarist alreay playing on the Graceland album and these two entire tours.

The second one is - of course - the great Vincent Nguini coming from the Western Africa country Cameroon and who was the pilar of Paul Simon`s band for more than 25 years!

It is a very large articcle written in English

I love to share this artcikle with you Mr. 7th Avenue!

Greets from Holland


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Graceland Tour 1987 7th Avenue 19/2/7(木) 3:59 [添付] [未読]
┣ Re:Graceland Tour 1987 Corry Hoekman 19/2/7(木) 8:46 [未読]
┣ Re:Graceland Tour 1987 [名前なし] 19/2/7(木) 8:56 [未読]
┣ Re:Graceland Tour 1987 7th Avenue 19/2/7(木) 9:26 [添付] [未読]
┗ Re:Graceland Tour 1987 Corry Hoekman 19/2/8(金) 6:35 [未読]
 ┗ Re:Graceland Tour 1987 [名前なし] 19/2/8(金) 6:40 [未読]

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