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Re:Radio City Music Hall, NYC
 Corry Hoekman E-MAIL  - 19/1/17(木) 15:25 -

   ▼7th Avenueさんの投稿:
>たまたま 6th Avenue と Broadway が交差する
>小さな公園の所で いまいさんとお嬢さんに出会ったの
>ポ−ルの MSG 2日目で夕方会う事には
>まさか、NYC の街角で、
>おもいっきりビックリしました( 大笑 )

Lucky guy you are! The remastered version is wonderful to listen to so I really did bacause I could not sleep.......

I`ve found a review of this show in the New York Times but I really do not know how to share this review with you. Maybe you already read this review during your stay in NYC USA. Going back to my bed for '
Tryin' to get some sleep'.... just like Paul Simon sings in this wonderful Duncan-version! Greets Corry


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Radio City Music Hall, NYC 7th Avenue 19/1/17(木) 9:24 [添付] [未読]
┗ Re:Radio City Music Hall, NYC 7th Avenue 19/1/17(木) 9:33 [添付] [未読]
 ┗ Re:Radio City Music Hall, NYC 7th Avenue 19/1/17(木) 11:28 [添付] [未読]
 ┗ Re:Radio City Music Hall, NYC 7th Avenue 19/1/17(木) 11:44 [添付] [未読]
 ┗ Re:Radio City Music Hall, NYC 7th Avenue 19/1/17(木) 13:00 [添付] [未読]
 ┗ Re:Radio City Music Hall, NYC Corry Hoekman 19/1/17(木) 15:25 [未読]
 ┗ Re:Radio City Music Hall, NYC 7th Avenue 19/1/17(木) 16:36 [添付] [未読]

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