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Art Garfunkel Concert Tour in 2017 [名前なし] 19/1/31(木) 12:43 [未読]
┗ Regensburg 7th Avenue 19/1/31(木) 13:40 [添付] [未読]

Art Garfunkel Concert Tour in 2017
 [名前なし] E-MAIL  - 19/1/31(木) 12:43 -


During 2017 Art Garfunkel made an Euroean Concert tour throughout Europe.

He travelled twice to my continent.

From some concert one or more videos are available on the internet.

I will post one coming from Regensburg. Germany

This video is also a 'Bridge over Troubled Water'too. It is clair that

Art Garfunkel`s voice is sounding much better on this video:

Art Garfunkel live in Regensburg (Germany) at the "Schloss St. Emmeran" during the "Thurn und Taxis Schlossfestspiele 2017" on his "In Close-Up"-Tour.


Hope you`ll enjoy this vids coming from Europe. I have more videos coming from the USA and my country as well. I visited Art Garfunkel and Tab Laven in Haarlem holland. Just two men and one guitar still fits the best to Art Garfunkel`s fragile voice.

During 2015 his voice was very good and I really enjoyed this concert. I have an entire video-tape from the next week in Germany with the entire concert Art Garfunkel gave in 2015.

Ging to my bed now: this afternoon and night will be a busy day for me.

Kind regards Corry
<Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko...@D93F34ED.cm-20.dynamic.ziggo.nl>

 7th Avenue E-MAIL  - 19/1/31(木) 13:40 -


[添付] 〜添付ファイル〜
・名前 : 20170721.jpg
・サイズ : 54.2KB
   Castle Courtyard, Regensburg
July 21, 2017

【20170721.jpg : 54.2KB】
<Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko...@softbank126009038071.bbtec.net>

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