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" American Tune " 7th Avenue 19/1/18(金) 0:12 [添付] [未読]

  Re:" American Tune " Corry Hoekman 19/1/18(金) 13:01 [未読]

Re:" American Tune "
 Corry Hoekman E-MAIL  - 19/1/18(金) 13:01 -

   ▼7th Avenueさんの投稿:
>September 20, 2018

I have the entire post from the very beginning.

Paul Simon started this song by speaking a few words.
Maybe I am wrong but lately I had the impression you were not aware why Paul was Simon saying these particular political words.I do.
These words of this song of Paul Simon were a political statement to the very bad political situation from the beginning by the election of this President of the United States in 2016.

Guess it is hard for Japanese people to see read and hear what the Roman alphabet in fact means.

Paul Simon meant to say by uttering these words (he only did so in the United States of America);

"Strange TImes Uhh .. Do Not Give Up".

Here is the entire YT-video on which you are able to hear Paul Simon speaking these words:

https://youtu.be/7bjFSfvOpo0 via @YouTube

By the way: this is MY favorite song LOL

I duly hope I am not bothering you by my postings. with additional info!

Going to bed now Corry
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