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Re:Japanese TV
 Corry Hoekman E-MAIL  - 19/2/9(土) 7:35 -

   ▼7th Avenueさんの投稿:
>Japanese-TV Program
>Graceland Tour 1987
>( 1987年4月15日 )

Goodnight Mr. 7th Avenue

I found a page with a few b/w images taken during the Paul Simon Graceland concert in Dublin 15.04.1987

Maybe it will be possible to upload these images:


I also found a picture of a ticket regarding this concert:


Kind regards and enoy your weekend!

Greets from Corry
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Japanese TV 7th Avenue 19/2/8(金) 12:24 [添付] [未読]
┣ Re:Japanese TV 7th Avenue 19/2/8(金) 12:28 [未読]
┃┗ Re:Japanese TV Corry Hoekman 19/2/8(金) 19:22 [未読]
┗ Re:Japanese TV Corry Hoekman 19/2/9(土) 7:35 [未読]

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