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 7th Avenue E-MAIL  - 18/3/13(火) 20:13 -


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・サイズ : 44.3KB
   Paul said of this farewell tour,
“I’ve often wondered what it would feel like to reach the point where I’d consider bringing my performing career to a natural end. Now I know: it feels a little unsettling, a touch exhilarating and something of a relief. I love making music, my voice is still strong, and my band is a tight, extraordinary group of gifted musicians. I think about music constantly. I am very grateful for a fulfilling career and, of course, most of all to the audiences who heard something in my music that touched their hearts.”

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追加日程 7th Avenue 18/3/12(月) 21:15 [添付]
┗ Re:追加日程 7th Avenue 18/3/13(火) 20:13 [添付] [未読]

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