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Kodachrome 7thAvenue 24/4/23(火) 16:23 [添付] [未読]

 7thAvenue E-MAIL  - 24/4/23(火) 16:23 -


[添付] 〜添付ファイル〜
・名前 : 2056.jpg
・サイズ : 253.5KB
   " Kodachrome "

Recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio in Sheffield, Alabama
Producer : Paul Simon and Phil Ramone

In an interview conducted in November 2008, Paul Simon said that what he had in mind when writing the song was to call it " Going Home ". However, finding this would have been " too conventional ", he came up with " Kodachrome ", because of its similar sound and larger innovative potential. He also refers to its first line as the " most interesting " part of the song. That first line goes, " When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school..."

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