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Re:” Song For The Asking ”
 Corry Hoekman E-MAILWEB  - 19/1/16(水) 21:52 -

   ▼7th Avenueさんの投稿:
>▼Corry Hoekmanさんの投稿:
>>Living in Amsterdam e fwe streets away from "het Concertgebouw" of course I bought a ticket for attending this concert. "Can you imagine this years from today'me being 17 years at that time in the middle of the night going on my bike to visit Simon and Garfunkel?
>>The only thing I remembered was: the concert started at midnight and eded up at about 2.30 AM in the morning. I do not remember much about it `due to a terrible headache you won`t know! I had a sit on the balcony right in front of Simon and Garfunkel. They brought their own piano and their pianist Larry Knechtel on the stage for only performing Art Garfunkel "Bridge over Troubled Water'. Paul Simon felt surprised by the beauty of the inside of this concerthall and its worldfamous accoustic sound. Can you inmagine: two guys with ONE guitar?
>Thank you Corry !
>Do you remember other things ?

Many thanks for your kind reaction to my postings. Due to lack of time I will write you later this week. I am aware of the 'timelapse' between your and my country. Unfortunately I was not able to download your songtapes coming from Paul Simon`s solo "Bleecker Street". When you had posted these songs I did not have for downloading these songs.

In the middle of the Dutch last night all links were already gone........

Kind regards and many thanks for your kind writing to me. We`ll meet again here sooner or later! Corry T

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” Song For The Asking ” 7th Avenue 19/1/14(月) 13:01 [添付] [未読]
┗ Re:” Song For The Asking ” Corry Hoekman 19/1/14(月) 23:44 [未読]
 ┣ " The Boxer " 7th Avenue 19/1/15(火) 0:02 [未読]
 ┣ Re:” Song For The Asking ” 7th Avenue 19/1/15(火) 0:07 [未読]
 ┃┗ ” Bridge Over Troubled Water ” 7th Avenue 19/1/15(火) 0:21 [未読]
 ┃ ┗ Re:” Bridge Over Troubled Water ” Corry Hoekman 19/1/15(火) 7:04 [未読]
 ┗ Re:” Song For The Asking ” 7th Avenue 19/1/16(水) 17:35 [未読]
 ┗ Re:” Song For The Asking ” Corry Hoekman 19/1/16(水) 21:52 [未読]
 ┗ Re:” Song For The Asking ” Corry Hoekman 19/1/18(金) 3:03 [未読]

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